What you can do is add a bit more wobbles on the drop and have it in a deeper pitch then this would of been a bit better

My first so called "lovestepish" track, idk what its called. I had fun makling it though. It kind of sounds like a skrux track to me :)
Status: this is my V.I.P version, for the ppl that like my first version, here is a link to download it:
(link is only visible to registered users)
V.I.P status:I think i'm finished, but plz still give me feedback on this track, so i can make this track a lot better, thank you :)
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1 -
0 thanks dude :D
1 Cool
0 i think the bass is just a little off pitch if you could move it down on the scale it would be better
0 is it good now?
0 Srry ppl, jusr a liiiiiiitle bit more modifications :P
0 cant wait :)
0 Thanks but im not done yet
0 Unique, i like it :)
0 Exactly what I was going to do with my wobbles, try to make it go even, no bass gets in the way of each other, and all the notes have their own turf