*ATTENTION-THIS IS NOT THE COOL TRACK I HAD YOU ALL WAITING FOR.* Okay, I know thins sucks. Let me explain. While i was working on another track, i accidentally created a pretty cool 8-bit melody. However, it didnt really have a place in the track, so i made a seperate track and used pretty much the same melody, although it was hard to remember. I didnt want to spend lot of time editing the synth quality or spend a long time making a good beat with the Machiniste (instead i used samples) becuase i wanted to release the other track this week, which wont happen if i started editing this crappy one. So i just publilshed it. Hope it keeps you satisfied until that comes out. Again, sorry for the bad quality. :) Hopefully i can Pulv really good stuff quicker in the future. And yes, in my book Pulv is a verb. I pulv you. You pulv me. We're all one big fa-ma-lee. LOL.

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  • Bring On the Trumpets 8-bit remix please. Always crashes my computer when i try and edit it.

  • nice tune, i like hearing the rasselbock too. lol

  • cool :)

  • GReat man, this is good !

  • thanks man!

  • i love a good description of a track big fan of that great track too :)

  • I'm not exactly sure why the death is subconscious though

    maybe i dreamed it

    i probly did


    i have the most weird-ass dreams ever

    like you would not believe

  • LOL :) and thanks

  • Great title, heh, who was Pac mans father? :) 16......ping!

  • and almost 100 plays (okay, i admit probably 20 of them were me obsessing over the numerous remakes i made and whether or not they were adequate) :)

  • yay 15 favs!

    you guys are giving this way more than it deserves :)

  • thank you so much guys!

  • ha thats awesome!!!

  • Nice pulv work (:

  • :) 8 bit meats the RAss :)