Wanted to Try something different :) Not Mastered but first try on 303 DnB

Feedback Appreciated!

Thanks Polygon for the tips :)

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  • :D Thanks Lumber and Totten! there is a Sub nut its really low Dx Well I'll work on it. Thanks alot for the Feedback!!!

  • Yep definitly needs a sub. And more variation in drumline. Make 32 pattern instead of a 16. Double ghe snare in the second part. You could do the same with the kick. A pad like synth would fit well also.

  • very nice! i would add some more hats to the first part. And some subbass. And another trancey synth at some parts :)

  • :D Thanks alot Shokk and Nobody! :)

  • yeah, thats great. :)

  • beautiful work with the bassline!!!

  • :D Thanks alot Onyx! :)

  • This is brilliant. Nice work with the 303 :)

  • :D Thanks alot Polygon! :) and The Drums? O.o Doesnt that Make the drums alotttt more faster?

  • nice 303 indeed! hell, you could take this right now, change the drums to 4/4 and have a totally new track :3

  • Dang this is groovy

  • Holy crap

    I flippin love that 303

  • innovative

  • brilliant innovatibe feel - cool cool vibe !!