comment on it what do you think

e' incredibile cosa esce fuori dal pulve ogni volta scopro qualcosa di nuovo.. some experiments :)
update 303line
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0 -
0 Nice Track...
0 didn't i fav this...shame on me.. good work cripta!
0 I Love the Suggestions here on Audiotool, it bring me back to this fantastic Track. Great !!!!
0 cool - dark and dirty - so i like
0 did not heard this before , what a great track .
real good house vibe , like it a lot
0 Awesome, very awesome!
0 i know my last songs are not well cured and arranged...but cause i'm searching to find the sounds that i would like...
0 thanks guys... i've tried to sidechain the kick reverb to make it banging.. i dont know if is the right way...but seems works :)
0 Very good! RITMO BALANÇANTE! great!
0 oh man, what a nice shot :) i love youre straight drumworks. nice sounds in the break. the snare in the 2nd part is a little bit to loud/present (but its just for me!!!!!). fantastic cover :))
0 nice
0 incredible !
0 @oedipax thanks a lot.. much appreciate your judgement !!
0 @olaf i know... same thing for me with your style...but sometimes i just add a favourites for the beauty of the work..and yours are good work!