The Dark Half of The Shining Core Showed Us The Truth About The Divine Power. Just as There was a Dimension of Light, There is Also A Dimension of Darkness. It Prophesied an Event In Which Light and Shadow Successfully Combine...


Oh thank God. I thought this marathon would never end. I was getting pretty tired of DnB and this track really wore me out, but I still put a bunch of effort into this. Thnx to @Cosmic DaVinci for letting me remix his great track. :]

My Remix of "Stories" by Cosmic DaVinci, otherwise called "Prophecies". Although I procrastinated on this alot, I still think It turned out pretty good. I tried to incorporate a lot of different sounds into this song. This is definitly the largest track I've made on Audiotool

(BTW, @Dustin Ross I found a NEW SNARE!!! :D)


We Travel To The Dimension of Darkness in, "THE VOID"

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  • We Will Obtain Divine Power in The Coming Days..."

  • very nice beautiful vocals

  • Like this man, finally breaking away from usual set up of your tracks

    That drop is lovely, perfect chords to compliment the track. I would however like to hear something else in there, that lead synth is a little overused

  • smooth, progress from your usual stuff :) work on a new style of distorted bass, the type you make now is limiting :/ you must like that gritty sound a lot

    kick might have a little too much reverb;

  • this is good but i cant wait for moe gravi-hop!

  • NICE RMX good job G

  • Well, Now that the marathon is over, I can finally get back to makin' some good ol' "Gravi-Hop" :D

  • This is a really good song.

  • Amazing dude :D

  • Dude I love this :D I downloaded it on my ipod :3


  • This is so awesome man! Great remix. Awesome.

  • Nice Jump-Up intro

  • Republished

    Some Quick Sound Edits :]