The Dark Half of The Shining Core Showed Us The Truth About The Divine Power. Just as There was a Dimension of Light, There is Also A Dimension of Darkness. It Prophesied an Event In Which Light and Shadow Successfully Combine...
Oh thank God. I thought this marathon would never end. I was getting pretty tired of DnB and this track really wore me out, but I still put a bunch of effort into this. Thnx to
@Cosmic DaVinci
for letting me remix his great track. :]
My Remix of "Stories" by Cosmic DaVinci, otherwise called "Prophecies". Although I procrastinated on this alot, I still think It turned out pretty good. I tried to incorporate a lot of different sounds into this song. This is definitly the largest track I've made on Audiotool
Like this man, finally breaking away from usual set up of your tracks
That drop is lovely, perfect chords to compliment the track. I would however like to hear something else in there, that lead synth is a little overused
smooth, progress from your usual stuff :) work on a new style of distorted bass, the type you make now is limiting :/ you must like that gritty sound a lot