yeah, work on the dupset-ish parts, they could be done a lot better. They seem isolated from the rest of the song. Like die said, the melody is good.You're getting good for sure though
between dubstep sections try to have a bridge and slowly build it up then change up the section a little to have more flavor. and I like that you started compressing but make sure you EQing effectively also. some of the sounds you have in here are very child-ish sounding. it doesnt have that mature sound if you understand what Im saying. nice job!
the melody is nice but i think the synth could be a litttle different, maybe not so high. the snare could definently be a lot louder. the drop was very unique and cool but I dont think that the actually dubstep part was very good. if it wasnt meant to be dubstep I could beleive that.