I came back for this ;)

I still got it.
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0 -
0 This still gets stuck in my head
0 And the chords that come in near 1:43 are pretty good too.
This isn't as bad as I though it was going to be—
Based on the comments at least, I really love your music
0 I actually really like the percs, awesome job on that
0 o, _ o
0 Never really listen to your tracks fully because I don't have time but I'm binging in class right now and you're amazing like wow
3 this is obnoxious
1 i swear u are the deadmau5 of audiotool or maybe u are him idk fak i got myself confused halp!!!
0 nice
0 god i am so jealous of you
0 fuck you man why cant i make shit like this
0 The more I listen to this song the more I realize you're a genius.
0 Imposible
0 xD as if he lost it ..
16 You know this went somewhere good when a piece of toast liked it.