why are you so good, and why have I only just noticed youre on AT?

Enjoy. LMK if you have any tips or advice
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1 -
3 I love this track tbh
1 Awesome! Keep it going!
1 very good I use the same sound when I start it
1 very good I use the same sound when I start it
1 The Mona-Draven is pleased...This is great! Subtle touches, not excessive in any way. It is reminiscent of waking up on New Year's day: nothing looks different, but something feels a bit off.
1 wow
1 I LIKe
1 the title omg the title lovin it!
1 I like it...
1 Good stuff. Excellent title.
0 i like it
0 great!
0 It feels so childish, technological, and dark...it's a really interesting sound, and it's very nice.
0 Good work :) sortof reminds me of old retro puzzle games.