First track on AT as Jaxxn and DAMN this took a while XD

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  • Thanks @Budushcheye They were actually very easy. Since I know a fair amount of music theory, I know which notes sound good with which, and then I just rambled them together into several random melodies, picked the best one, then worked on it until I thought it was perfect. And then I did the rest of the song XD

  • Your chords, omg...<3

  • lol it was originally gonna be progressive house but I got carried away with the synths XD

  • I dig this kinda stuff.

  • Amazing chord progression. There are some high-end frequencies that drown out the low end at some parts. Needs more low-end frequencies too, probably a sub. The kick is really good but the snare is overpowering of it.

  • This is amazing!

  • can i make u a JAXXN logo for Dealerz

  • what werbs said

  • when I saw the cover I though it said Starbucks