Hello! I just edited the the sounds to make it sound more like Future House! This a really great track! :D

And i fixed the "shit outro" kinda :P

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  • yo this is nice

  • oo this is pretty nifty

  • 00:58 the pad does nothing but hurt the deep sound of the drop, I like my deep house synths alone when the drop hits, Good edit tho

    • Vulkron soz if am annoying but do you have the time to help me complete the track i started "Let The Bass Kick" from the start to the end? It's okay if you say no :D

    • Hahahahah :D

    • yea boi

    3 more
  • 1:56 sounds like future house, u kept my stuff lmao

  • lol sounds liked deep house now

    We were going for kinda a future housy thing

    Well I was, idk about sunder

    • Hmm it does sound Future House to me haha but well i tried my best