This is pretty crappy but............

There are NO Presets used in this track for everyone who hates me for that there are NONE

this is just me playing around and having a lot of fun.

PS> I dedicate this song to my number 1 Critic NEEKZIO

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  • Its a start, that's how I started. I kept, trying to copy what I heard on music to my tracks. Keep on messing around : )

  • Yeah Yeah Yeah Do$Ricooooouuu!!!!

  • I might try to reduce my use of presets too... maybe...

  • Yeah its tough I'm Gonna try to not use presets that arent my own in the future @s k u l

  • Back then all I used was pulvs tho

  • I did in my earlier songs, then I got into presets.

  • Eh. I still like presets.

  • I do like the drumline tho

  • You did your best.

  • Republished

    Don't know why i published this in the first place.

  • Republished

    Pitch Variation, Keyboard tracking=improvement

  • look dude. i dont "hate" you.. i tell you not to use presets so you can really study audiotool synths.. i mean, i learned all the stuff i know because of just twisting a bunch of knobs and stuff.. thats y tell you, you can do the same just messing with the modulations, pitch envelope ya know waveforms and stuff. try studying so music theory or watch one of infy's tutorials. idk start studying melodies... btw why is this titled "stagefright (expirement)"