Logic is one of my biggest inspirations, and I have been in love with his songs, this track captures everything great about lyrical rap, especially the last verse. Where he takes on the persona of Money itself, I'm planning to do more covers in the future, lemme know any suggestions you guys want :D

I also made my own vers of the instrumental, i did not take any samples from the original aswell.

I hope ya'll enjoy this!

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  • hey its really good

    • Here's a few tips

      1. Non-stop experimenting, regardless if it sounds bad. Keep trying, and trying. feel free to ask other producers/artists on how to improve

      2. Listen to other artists, to get inspiration

      3. Find your own style/sound, if you make music, what makes you stand out from the crowd? you'll have to find that answer yourself :D

    • can anyone give me tips on making good music

  • Logic "wHo cAn rELatE? WoOo!!!1!1" mclogicson

    • i love being sarcastic because people dont know wether im serious or not

    • sorry, can't resist. logic had good intentions but time and lyrics have shown that it was made to be a cashgrab to profit off of people who are depressed

    • how bout no


  • Your flow is really nice bruv