Strange track ...

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  • Nice one.

  • I agree should have got more favs but the majority of the crowd here is very tough here they play favorites with artists and not their music that's unfortunate.

  • cant believe your track easily got over 1500 plays, yet only about 30 favs.. deserves alot more man

  • really cool track dude.. really chill atmospehre!

  • 808 you are true to the underground

  • i will eventualy get around to all of your tracks :)

  • those sounds in this are great. you do it again.

  • holy crap this is good

  • Thx for your comment ;) tried to hear your sounds but server seems to have some problems =(

    I will come back later to hear your music ;D

  • Amazing!!! I've been wanting to make a song in the same style you do but my goodness is it hard.

  • Thanks! :) All the big Respect!

  • Great. So many Rooms in there .....

  • Great sounds from the 303.

  • I remember the old movie Tron. ;)