lol.... Yeah SpaceStep. Thats what I'll call it.

Resurrected this draft from about 5 months ago. It didnt have much on it, but I hit a stride and threw all this together. Personally I think It's my best, but again, I always feel like my newest track is my best. Is it just me?

Enjoy :)

(For some reason my sub will NOT work with AT, so I have no idea if this is going to be way to much bass until I download it and hear it in my car. I'll fix if needed)

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  • its good but a little to repetitive

  • not quite dubstep in my opinion but really good!

  • Thanks @ZOD4X Good point on the panning. I am slowly getting all the little details I can use stored in my brain lol.

    @NOLANDNORF and @EZ STEEZY I'll open it back up and see what I can to spice up the later synths.

  • Really like the first synth its really raw but to be honest the other synths could use some more... Juice. Just give em a little bit more body to bring em out but all together really cool I like =)

  • that bass is awesome

  • Sounds like its predecessor in the beginning, dub to be in fact, the high lead, sounds too much like the original synth

  • dude i have to say you are getting alot better yes i agree your best yet you did a very good job at leveling out the sounds!!!.... dude i love that part at 3.17 .... great work man and keep up the great work... really all i can offer as advice at this point is maybe some panning? other then that your getting it man!!!

  • Nice one.

  • Thank you all!! Glad you all like it. :) Hopefully I'll be coming up with better and better stuff for a while.

  • oh shit 0.08 sounds damn nice man. nice chords from 1.57 on lol

  • Very good!

  • Haha nice!! Sick slow one! That wobble in the wobble in the background is awesome!

  • very cool bass.. }=)

  • NIce i really like the sub-base

  • good feels like chillstep + ambient..