Thanks to Zeromf for a great setup--now I have a better idea of what all those scary Pulverisateur knobs are for. (I've been trying to make a sound like this for a while, and kept failing horribly.)


Fun Fact: My brain does not like the word "pulverisateur," so I substitute "pulvasaur." Much better.

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  • @zeromf I have learned that the Pulvasaur is a strange and terrible beast, but there are many ways to capture it and train it to be a useful creature. Turns out it's pretty friendly if you attack it with candy. (The candy is for my patience, of course.)

  • Haha, love the comment. This is the first song that I figured out how to use the pulverisateur knobs also. Before it just made it into a jumbled mess... just keep fiddling around with it until you get the exact sound you like. and this is great... love the remix!