An unorthodox song that departs from my usual sound. Heavily inspired by Scraton's "Kill Dem", it makes use of unique percussion sections and haunting, minor melodies.


The world, they be closin' in on ya tonight

The fires they be too much to fight

Rockin' to the beat, ya feel the bass movin'

Sooner or later ya gonna be groovin'

The night go on, ya nevah gonna stop

He gonna keep on movin' till he get up on the top

When he reaches ya, ya betta be whole,

'Cause if you don't do it, then he gonna steal your soul.

Rockin with the ground it's shakin' up and down,

Nobody found, ya only hear the sound (x4)

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  • hy, this fire. i also now know what your voice sounds like and not what i was expecting at all

  • *ptpftpfpfpfpttftftfttftftftftftftffft* That's because it is a white guy tryna sound jamaican. :3

  • kinda SOUNDS like a white guy trying to be jamaican tho xP no offence still a good ass track :D

  • wtf was i talking about these damn vocals are fire :D

  • Republished

    Full song now available!

  • the sampled voices are a bit cliche though dont you think? :P

  • i hope you are gonna do way more with it. cuz atm its not very interesting. although i do see where this song is going :) and its headed in the right direction. just fix that :P