RIp in peace trillpixels ;-;

Theme: Feel Bad ass once in a while
Here it is! Free Download!
Took me alot shorter than most songs, I started it Sunday night, but it's a remix, should be fast since you already have ideas written down.
This was fun and was very, very in my league, Kinda lazier than most songs I've produceced, gimme like 4 days and I'll be dissing this song like it's skrillex, xDD.
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0 -
0 remember remember the trill of trillcember
0 remember trill
0 remember the 90s
i dont
0 refa- owait ;-;
0 omggg why am I so good
when did i get this awesum
0 Oh I miss the days I produced stuff like this. <33
0 refav
0 Aw I know that bass pluck! noraus one! and this is the remix of "some grimes" I prefered ;)
0 Also, your drums should be way louder!
0 I like everything about it, but the high pitched synth in the start and the too hard compression! :)
0 Everyone is one word. Jesus. Lolol jkjk but I like this better than the original.
0 Every one has their opinion.
0 In my honest opinion, I do not like this. Some grimes is one of my favorite AT songs ever and I feel like this doesn't do it justice
0 Nice, sounds fresh.