That's my fav part :p @Aiden

This might not be the finished version so I'm up for suggestions!
Thanks for this contest and I hope you like the approach I took on it.
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0 -
0 Whoa!
0 I agree @El Docturio
0 This IMO was the best remix by far
0 Well Thanks for all 5 of your faves @ᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠ
0 you, sir, deserve more favs.
0 Means a lot, I love Au5 and Fractal.
0 But for the next repub, I made a few elements less stereo. Thanks for the suggestion
0 Fair enough, I won't bother stereo enhancing my subs any more then
1 Sub is typically mono
"subs need to be in mono because the human ear has trouble perceiving which direction low frequencies are coming from, more or less." -some forum
1 Wow. This is amazing
0 Hmm, I usually keep most things mono apart from subbasses, pads and blips, but every song is different.
0 Reminds me, the basses are made in audiotool, just resamples from other projects.
1 The growls though. omg.
0 Lol, fix that, and I would have no complaints :)