why dont we all take a moment

to slow down

take a moment

to look around

make everything stop

for just a minute

and take a good look

at what we have become

what have you done

or have you not

its hard to tell anymore

the world is full of wrong

but you cant reflect on the past for long

you have to keep going on

so lets get going with things

but this time try to slow down.

idek know what that's supposed to be ^^^

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  • love it tho great job

  • snares at 0:35 sound a bit off


    lyrics are cool XD

    crash sounds out of place... kick it down a notch or two.. or 6

  • Funny, changed from reggae to chill trap. Find a softer hat next time. but in all honesty i like this alot.

  • Republished

    made drums a tad bit quieter

  • Around 0:40 make it a tad bit softer, see if it sounds better

  • Snare is a bit too loud, make the percussion go with the feeling off the song. :)