a little sneak peek at whats to come from FL :)

i will pub on soundcloud when its done :)

just need to do final mixing and mastering :)

guys make sure to follow me on soundcloud too :) that way i can talk to you guys more often and you all can still listen to music im gonna make :)

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  • 41st!!!!!

    fr tho zerrod u do start a lot of trends on this site and sometimes they get out of hand :/

  • I cant wait for this

  • This is proof you moved on for the better :>

  • Tfw roasted

  • Omgggg. Too much tease ;-;

  • I have autism too. I just want to be cool like you no one really likes me and i don't really have any friends. I'm sorry you don't my song but its like my only friends.

  • Sounds like Astronaut.

  • Ayyy


  • oh hi virtual riot

  • Do you have a youtube? I'll follow you if you do. My youtube isn't anything special...

  • So.

    Like, if you could just hand over all of your basses, I'll walk away and leave you unharmed.

    Then softly, distantly, just barely louder than a whisper a phrase will drift back to you from where I left to.

    A phrase that will resonate for years in your head

    "All your bass are belonging to me."

  • What is FL?

  • DUDE!!!!! Luv this... p.s. what's your sound cloud name?