Lyrics, by me:

Upon the shores of opal,

Forever did I wait,

As Old Gods dreamed in silence,

In much doubt did I wait,

For a ship on the horizon,

To steal me far away,

Unto uncharted waters,

Where dreams may come to play,

As silently as silver,

The ship rode to ashore,

Her eyes an oaken hazel,

Her smile as warm as gold,

She said to me, "ye sailor,

"Long has my heart been cold,

"Won't you warm your fair maiden,

"And be mine to hold?"

I took her pale hand gladly,

And quickly climbed aboard,

To leave my friends and family,

Upon the dusty shore,

My doubts have long since fled me,

My heart has come 'a whole,

With yearning fate about me,

My siren holds my soul.

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