In the beginning, was supposed to be a collab between me and " the man who can make sing synths.."

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  • Love that synth that comes in around 2:15 or so. Really cool!

  • hey thanks a lot fellas :) it's always a pleasure to see you're always present here with lovely feedback :)

  • Yeh, lovely spacey journey! Hope you're well brutha, N1m8:)!

  • Love your soft and warm sounds, Daftwill ! Excellent Chord Pads !

  • Good to see you back with a track! Loving the pad and chord progression in final section - so good!

  • Love this!!!! Love the pads!!!! A lot about this puts me in mind of older Yes. (A very high compliment in my book! Haha!) :)

  • love it bro :)

  • Love the timings. it makes it so interesting, and still contains a cool groove.

    nice (:

  • really really good mate. Hope to see you more in 2015

  • Good to see you again dude! :)

  • O yes I do like this. Nice to see someone using a "non-standard" time signature as well. I've got an ancient draft in13/8 - was hoping to do something Tubular Bells ish. T B is 1 bar 6/8 then 1 bar 7/8.