Extremely simple riff to this track

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  • amazing track!

  • thats weird, my new rack waterfall has da same cover pic... anyway awesome job dude! so peaceful :D

  • Hahaha, thnx :)

  • refav to my brother :)

  • Thanks :) I tried to make it extremely simple, because half the time I can't think of anything for a melody :(

  • This track is sweet, but that picture is truely breath taking! :D

  • WOW this si soooooooo simple (hence the name) but really its just soo beautiful and great I love it alot :) downloading :)

  • Love the climax too! I hear those layers nice and clear.. <3

  • Beautiful......! (':

  • Thnx :)

  • just awesome ! really, it's very nice i love this. It's a nice track for a nice work ;), very cool !

  • this is a very good track i like the melodies a lot! my advice would be to vary and layer the drums a little. What i mean by that is even if its the same pattern (for example in this song the 4 kicks with snare on beat 2 and 4) if you add another kick sample in at some point it will add some depth to the percussion

  • ah yes... repeatitive is the shiz

  • Wow! Great track! The chords are catchy, and it blends really well, and gives off a relaxing feel. If I can, and have the time, I will definitely remix this. I also see that you are trying to make the track longer without it being repetitive, I have faced this dilema as well. I am very new at this, but what I did on my most recent track, was change the notes, add or drop some parts, and/or add/adjust effects. Feedback on my latest track would be much appreciated as well.

  • I coudn't think of a way to make it longer without making it far too repetitive