Made entirely with 6 Heisenbergs, 1 Pulv, lots of effects, EQ and some percussion samples.

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  • very nice!

  • re-fav

  • !!!! so sentimental!

  • In-freaking-credible. This sounds a lot like an old game.

  • Drain it i really want to remix this

  • Many songs I listen to, audiotool or not, I tend to skip the intros because they just aren't as interesting as everything else. However, this one I didn't want to skip any of it. AT ALL

    It's wonderful

  • Great song! amazing melody!

  • downloading....

  • I'm crazy for cocoa puffs and this song. I like the "doe de do de didddly do" or at least that's how it sounds in my minds eye. I feel light headed, I'm going to lay down now. The excitement of this song made all of the blood rush to me head.

  • I love the melody :)

  • NICE WORK...

  • So Cool ! :)

  • AWESOME style!! :D

  • Amazing

  • great work.