What's democracy if your voice cannot be listened?

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  • super track!!

  • :D thanks

  • good sounds, great work

  • :)!

  • Feel free to respond about the track or the notice i posted :) i'm sorry if i'm boring anyone with my political indignation

  • jajaja gracias UC. I'm not talking about AT, it's all on the first entry i posted down here.

  • Interesting track maybe listen with headphones! Audiotool it's a democracy, I discover new music and styles and vote for your favorite track jaja in my opinion! n_n

  • It's like we are not allowed of having our freedom of expression

  • Thanks a lot guys! @Dei Servus Thanks Dei but i wanted to sounds like this. It's not a melodical song but i think it depends on personal preferences. Thanks for your words, like always :)) @WhiteGrizzly Maybe you're right, i'm only feeling like this, silenced, because in my surrondings, people are not allowed to express our opinion because it isn't constitutional because a 1978's paper say it.

  • La democrazia è morta anni fa, o forse non è mai esistita, solo un'utopia nelle nostre menti colonizzate dai falsi valori mai rispettati!! :( Bella traccia. :)

  • nice one I feel like you copy and pasted alot but I like the drums and the moral of the story. nice job here SSagara :)

  • awesome music ssagara , we used the same picture for a track on our panicbutton project zod4x and i

  • Nice music ! ;)

  • Because if we listened to everybody we would be in the shit.

  • :) nice one fella