yeah this one

how is it
im alone, now
but yesterday
how is it
that i had a party
and no one came
because im not good enough
how is it so dark,
i have lights on
in my heart, but
didnt you come
i wouldnt care,
id throw everyone else out the window
of my trashed home but you,
but you
you werent even brave enough
to just say hello,
and i wonder
how is it
cant even talk
but expect you
to come,
to help,
but too much,
too much you said
too shy
if you couldnt tell im feeling sort of down.
and sorry for more reversed piano, i know i just used it but im considering "forlorn" a complete failure so it doesnt realy matter to me. :P
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0 -
0 songs as emotional soundscapes... I guess you can't make more of them. They represent moments in time that are unrepeatable
1 thanks. ill make more stuff like this someday :)
0 beautiful
0 woah
0 old classic
0 ohh memories
0 <333
0 i would like to puplish this great one on my you-tube channel if it´s ok for u.Think more people got to hear this !
0 I still love this. One of your best tracks ever made. Ambient Groove.
0 you wont beleve but this track is still onee of my at least 20 favourites of all !
even outside of audiotool and i only have 23 audiotool songs i like more than outside audiotool tracks ! :)
I am lsitening to this on may way to school so great
0 I cannot stop to listen this, best track ever of Amoeba.
0 fave 120 right here :) and I have to say this is the first song I heard on audiotool and one of my absolute favorites. keep being awesome please ;)
0 Pretty cool how your second best track was for me :)
0 Superb.