one of the greatest ! ! ! !

Not finish but almost done, any suggestions always welcome, I think that i need more violence. : )
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0 -
0 refav brilliant brilliant
0 one of my favorite artist hope he is well i see him log and he go off suddenly sad i just hope that beast is working on something big :)
0 ....just heard on radio, ...superb
0 O.o
0 killer good
0 This is Great!!
0 good !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
saludos desde chile
0 the laugh effect is killer - can't say enough about the rest - it's pro work
0 and I generally hate tech-no
0 good f***in' jam
0 fuck the shut up
0 This'll do nicely on my car stereo later today thanx!
0 Thanks so much guys. emmm sample?.. naaa Pulv. or what you meaning?, the vocals? the "bips" jeje. Please suggestions, :)
0 Loving the sample so much! That video is so funny :P