won't work out on here. I'd need ableton. So.. just jam for like.. 50 secs. ;c

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  • funkiest thing I've heard for a while

  • :) You have some of the most spontaneous coverarts that fit your music. . . I admire that.

  • Nice dewd

  • minute jam nawt long enuff mor plz :[

  • <3

  • duuuude !!!

  • funky as hell!

  • I really like all of your French House.

  • its that fuckin' hi hat. ;c

  • when a signal is too loud and its connected to the slope, it starts to clip. try lowering the volume so there is no clipping before the slope and then amplify it after using a compressor or something. i like these little simple tracks :)

  • Nah man, its music most people don't understand. Disco -house. / French - house. You should go youtube some stuff. but it may not be for you.

  • radical.

  • ahah ahhhh my dude, thanks brah.

  • Anything you put out is amazing, dog..