Hope I can produce like this someday

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0 -
0 a classic
0 dope
2 Too repetitive... The picture is great tho
1 The rendering probably to HOURS
1 better than grimebot - IGN
0 i r8 69/69 m8 good progressive house m8 i like the pryda snare too bad it was 0 seconds
5 >ppl typ3 lik dis
>git t0p cohmtnt
5 @Aiden Don't mention him, makes me cry
0 cuddlex got nothin on dis yo
0 Omg... you are so amazing!!! Best track on audiotool ever!!! 10/10 say it's better than Grimebot.
1 If anyone other than Luxy did this it wouldn't be nearly as funny
10 Tried to remix this but my computer lags to much with a setup like that
0 lol the amount of favs...
It'll chart no doubt
6 who down to chart this