Nice job on this guys!:)

Two awesome guys give it a shot at a coolab! Hope you like! Its 150bpm so a little faster than dubstep usually is :p
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0 -
1 I absolutely love it
1 i've been listening to this non stop the last 2 days
0 nice guys
1 OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The beat is so fudging a~m~a~i~z~i~n~g AMAIZING XD ;p :D
0 Thanks guys!
0 This is pretty sick, good job on the collab
0 Awesome!
0 and you to A.R
0 thanks :)
0 Good work man, it was an honor collabing with you!
0 this is great guys!
0 omg i love this song so much this is going to stay with me right here man ----> <3