This Is a Old track of mines Just changed the name and Picture. But I fixed it up a bit.

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  • Catchy :)

  • Alright.

  • Yeah. It's complety fixed no changes needed. And a new pic. You'll like the pic.

  • I know right, Did you fix that track I'm at work now?

  • I'm very impressed dude.

  • this song is cool

  • Thanks guys! :)

  • I think this is your best song until now Doctor! great job and keep going!!!

  • ya it sounds pretty tight. Maybe make more variations, mess with the frequency some, or somethin. i like the melody tho, good job

  • pista genial, es fantastico, buen trabajo.

  • Yeah, man it was my first time doing anything like this, I'll try hard next time :)

  • im lovin that picture man!! and this hasa cool rhythm .. 1:03 - 1:16 is cool but theres som dissonance..idk if this was don on purpose but it cud made a bit better.. keep it up!