Lyrics Written And Recorded By Me

Beat Completely Made By A Friend (

Beat Chopped And Edited By Me

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  • your really good love the lyrics AMAZING!!

  • Super Job dude!!

  • thanks .. as soon as almate does my new beat ill have a new song

  • Ok take away the lyrics and boom love it. With lyrics ummmm... Not my favorite.

  • You voice is very....Soft. I'll put up a 30 second rap and you tell me what you think

  • sounds like you're reading the lyrics and you're not very enthused with them

  • damn they smell so damn good

  • it helps me think and do better -SNIFFING MAGIC MARKERS-

  • Lol ''Sniffing magic markers''

    Who said that? xD

  • 3 to 4 songs written .. one will be completely done by me, another will be my lyrics and vocals but beat made by someone else .. the other 2 i havent thought about yet .. those are for the future ..

  • i was gonna make my own beat for my next track but started writing a new song that will be my next project (and will continue working on my own beat project at the same time)

  • yep yep and i appreciate it from everyone .. ive taken everything people have been saying and will work on what needs to be worked on .. and my next track will be better .. i just need a beat (been talking to someone that is interested in working with me)

  • my school got a grant for a recording studio, if you give me a list of the words i could re record them in a remix

  • yeah i agree