space techno, beat has a astronaut floating feeling.
I feel if I'm going to do a bunch of music like this, might as well make it a series. Enjoy this track I made that I'm actually truly satisfied with.
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0 -
1 Woah
1 THIS PROGRAM WONT LET ME POST MY MUSIC UGHGHGHGH but wateverz ur great dont let those haters put u down i do lots of corioghraphy and ill prob use this! its really cool and it would be fun to dance to it was reakky cool at 1;04 wjat u did
1 Oh the bass... the bass.....!
0 Real spaced out am hating you for these one. favoring you should check me out sometime.
0 Reminds of the bugged out tent @ creamfields liverpool.Brilliant.
0 you are excessively talented musically!
0 Awesome :D
0 Love the bass
0 This is soooooo cool!!!!
0 This is declared my favorite by you.
0 Love it!
0 That bass is supa doopa, N1m8:)!