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  • nostalgia

  • crazyy

  • should I put "Music by drew." or "Music produced by drew."

  • I am going to remix this song but I will get rid of certain parts of the vocals, i'll hide it from my profile

  • ill give credit

  • yo imma use this track for a beach vid im making

  • this the first song in 3/3 ive heard here...kinda jealous cause ive been planning to make one in 3/3 but i have no good vibes yet

    • btw there is no such thing as a 3rd so 3/3 isn't a true meter

    • to count 6/8 simply it is 1 and a 2 and a

    • I've been wanting to make a song in 17/4 meaning 17 pulses to one bar counted in 4ths and can be counted in 2 sets of 5/4 and one set of 7/4, and a song in 11/8. Both of these are odd meters

    7 more
  • This pretty sick ngl need some hard rap on it

  • hly fuck i love this

  • this guy finally got charted Good Job

  • Jazzzyyy

  • i lost my virginity to this, not my gf


  • this shit is actually really good

  • ur getting better every track