I felt like remixing this again lol, but this time with more experience and in a genre I actually like to believe I'm good at: Future Bass.


Going from the heavy style of the original to something a lot more melodic was a fun and interesting challenge, and I feel like especially the vocals have been implemented pretty well into the calmer parts of the track.


Hope y'all enjoy this one :D

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  • Kwai amine girl be like

  • Open Remix Please!

  • this is serving nostalgia so hard. I live!

  • So You Made a Future Bass Remix of a Heavy Dubstep Track With Melodic Vocal Chops, Cute Anime Sounds From Yuru Yuri & a Vocal Sample From Terror Squad By Zomboy?

    • Pretty much, yep. All the vocal samples are from Nanamori though

  • Check If There Is a Cute Anime Girl Saying Oh My God From The Original Version In The Timeline

  • I'm Not Hearing The Vocal Sample From Terror Squad By Zomboy

    • Because Zomboy Produces Heavy, Aggressive, Dark, & Intense Dubstep Music

  • Aww! The Happy Girl on The Cover Art Is So Cute!

  • Republished

    Edits based on feedback:

    - Decreased hi-pass strength in the intro

    - Added more low-end to the saw bass, and added a low-pass filter to the sub

    - Made the kick slightly punchier

  • This is nais!

  • this is soooooooooooooo good

  • I'd highly recommend making the saw bass more grittier and also some more low-end because I only hear the mid and high range of the saw bass. And I think you layered it with another bass. Anyways, on that other bass you should cut the low frequencies so you can hear the percussion and the kickdrum better. That way the mix doesn't sound too squashed or pushed to its limit where you cannot hear anything. But other than that, I really like what you got going here. Good job!

    • I can definitely make the bass hit harder. Will do!

      The only thing I did was layer the saw bass with a sub, so I guess those 2 are clashing?

  • ooooohhhhhhhh

    • maybe different drum patterns

    • major almate vibes, minus the vocals xD

  • those vocals gives me so much nostalgia wtf!!!!

  • well done

    only crit, the highpass filter in the intro is a little *too* strong for my liking. Other than that it's great