Wanted to give a try at dubstep, Feel free to remix it, and please give some feedback.
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0 -
0 awesome work.. this kicked ass.. }=)
0 Next time widen that bass some more and maybe double up on it with a subbass.. it's sexy as heck.. your yoy or whatever dubheads call it.. the bitcrushered one... it's is really clean! Not my genre, but a killer for sure.
0 thank you ;)
0 ah j'adore !!!!!!!
écoute ca stp (link is only visible to registered users)
0 thanks guys ;)
0 c clair c super, j'aime bien cette ambiance dark :)
0 sick melody and bass :)
0 Super le dubstep!
0 thank you bronx =)
0 Your Dubstep has a tension that most DS doesn't have....and that's good
0 thanks guys =)
0 cool stuf m8
0 Slt c Maëva ! pas mal le son!!
0 hehe merci mais c'est pas un remix ;)