Called this way because it was mainly inspired by Skream. People seem to hate dubstep, but no hatin' by me man! I like it! Anyway, I made a track and stuff, and yeah, you're probably listening to it right now. I have discovered some cool stuff. That yoy in the main part (beginning is a yoy too) was made with a crusher with a flanger behind it. Great combo. Any further questions about my way of making it, comment. This is by far the most complicated song I've ever made, and the longest description I've written. :D

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  • i dig it too - nice work man :)

  • This has great panning!

  • that guy looks like harry potter without glasses lol... nice one

  • Yesssss! The 20th fav! Thanks à lot!

  • Some great stuff. :) Not a big fan of that continuos crash though

  • like it! really well put together hope to hear more.

  • gimme 20 favs!

  • Hahaha thx but he was just kidding, im even in his description under honorable mentions :)

  • Thanks a lot!

  • What is that Chernobyl kid talking about? This is a well made track, good job Aron.

  • Yeah yeah, this is nice, great build up

  • Thanks peoples!

  • @amoeba i actually put 2 subs in it :) they maybe need a boost

  • WWWOOOW!!! i love ambiance in this so much! and that flanging thing around 0:28 is just sick!!! you are getting so good...and the neurofunk bass in this is awesome! 0:56 is just awesome!!! i really think a low sub would be really cool there. only critique that i have is that the drums could be better eqed, but thats basically all this really needs work on. yeah, i dont like most dubstep, but i find this very unique and very cool and i actually like it haha! amazing work! :)