You fixed the notes! Here are some of my remixes: Scary Monsters & Nice Sprites (InPursuit Remix) & Scary Monsters & Nice Sprites (InPursuit Dub N' Bass Remix)

Mastered Nerco's version
I made a simple Template: (link is only visible to registered users) :)
This track contains:
-Melody (lead)
-Drums and Drum variations (frequency, delay)
-Some Pedals.
there is only one thing i didnt do, the bass arp, you almost dont hear it so its too hard for me to recreate it with the good notes. :/
Enjoy! :D
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0 -
0 Thanks guys! that song is soo fun to play with it, the melody fits with almost every kinds of sound!
0 super uper shmooper cool dude so so niooooooooce i love this song anyway.
0 thanks bud ;)
0 AWESOME bro!
0 thanks! :D
0 Sure 5hadow! go ahead i like to see what people can do with my tracks! :)
0 can i remix?
0 Maybe Almate :)
If i finish it, i May do a remix on Infy's remix cause it's a better base :)
0 And thanks guys!
0 I can try to help you make the bass in the drop if you want :D
0 the template Link is broken! Here's the real: (link is only visible to registered users)
0 I Was the first fav!
0 Les drums sont super, et j'aime beaucoup l'ensemble
0 pretty awesome!