@Zen , @joVee. and I are making a Music production Pack. The reason why I say "Music Production Pack" is because it will consist of many production tools made by us. This isn't going to be some cheap ass lame ass pack.


I know how to sound design and I know what I'm doing when making these sounds, unlike half the sample packs out there lmfao. (That's the plan at least, and so far it's going well :] )


It will have Ableton Racks (that me and jovee made), around 200 Serum presets (made by both Zen and I), Midi presets (made by jovee and I), Ableton templates (this track is one of them), metal vocals (from jovee) and over 400 unique samples.


The samples will have ambience, kicks, snares, [redacted], [redacted] and [redacted]. ;)


I will ofc make it cost money, cause it will be me and him putting our all into this pack. We haven't decided the price, but it wont be too high.


Note: only I made this track, he did not. And everything that you hear in this track is synthesized (besides the toms and impacts). And you will be able to get your hand on this very project file (that's if you buy it lol).


Here's me'n Zen's soundcloud duo as well: (The page is still being under construction, so logo looks generic)


I'll also be giving the first 3 audiotoolers who buy the pack 3 drafts of mine to chose from to study/take sound design. Meaning you can literally chose whatever draft/project I made that has remix turned off, and you can have access to remix . You'll also get a collab from me. :)

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  • when is it coming out?

  • heeyyyyyyy buddy! pal! chum! amigo!

    we've been friends for a while, right?

    just here to let you know that you're my favorite person in the entire world and that i'd die for you!

    oh, and btw, i could take that pack off your hands it you don't need it!

    ily, king ;)

  • I hope it dont cost alot im working minimum wage at a fast food place rn smh ;-;

  • so becuase were such good pals you wouldn't mind giving it to me huh buddy old friend

    • Besides daddy likes getting kinky

    • I will seduce him for this and he says no ohboy the seduction will never end he knows how dedicated i am lmao

    2 more
  • oooh i want redacted!!! can i just purchase the redacted all by its self???

  • I added another small paragraph at the very end, please read it

    • I'm not sure yet. We started this idea like 1 week ago. We might, who knows lol

    • will there at least be some small things free

      like drums?

      cuz ngl audiotool dubstep drums aint that good

  • uwu

  • Republished

    Fixed some clipping lol

  • No no no, this isn't clipping at all heh heh

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