Flyers is coming soon, and sooner will come the vocal version.

Influenced by Nine Inch Nails and Massive Attack's "Angel".

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  • Sorta reminds me of early Beck. That's a compliment by the way! ;)

  • awesome! there isn't enough badass industrial shit on AT, nice to see somebody getting on that!

  • I feel scared :(

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    Made changes on some volume levels.

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    I followed @naswalt 's advice and layered the guitar in the chorus.

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    I followed @naswalt 's advice and layered the guitar in the chorus.

  • @naswalt thanks for the tip! ;) I'll work on that asap. Could you share the track, please?

  • I'm really appreciative of people using my samples :) makes me feel like I'm contributing to the community ^.^ just as a quick tip, for guitar, you want to layer it up with about three to five sample spaces, each one controlling a different freq (I usually run it through a low pass, some mids, then a few highs).

    It really helps bring out the tone :)

  • Its very nice, it's just a little unprofessional