The number of plays comes from the fact that this track was once a demo track for techno. Personally, I find it terrible and would hide it. For historical reasons, I’m leaving it visible. Please see it as a relic from a bygone era.

My conflicted opinion about the track is reflected in the title. If you're interested, you can have it translated from German.

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  • 450k listens HUH???

  • wait, so then infythusion doesn't have the most views. so then what does?

    • Definitely the most likes. It was Infy‘s track, this one and damn I forgot the third. CGMan? 🤔 rhre demo tracks to start with. From todays perspective I don’t know why they choose this one. I wouldn’t

  • 450k listens is insane

  • actually its a bit boring

  • This track has a high play count not because of its exceptional quality, but because it served as a demo track long ago. As a result, nearly everyone who opened the studio played it, if only for a brief moment.

    • That makes it, mathematically, the least successful track on Audiotool that has likes.

    • Yeah thats a lot! lol

  • HOLY SHIT 450418 VIEWS!??!??!? MAH GAHHHDD!!!

  • I like it so much I looped it and play it all afternoon when in my workshop..

  • Nice! :~)

  • Oh my.... that's a classic you've great idea for melodys

  • ll all this views and that less likes

  • yes I payed 10$ per play

    2 more
  • 450381 PLAYS!?

  • I hate it :D

  • only herd like 1 sec and loved it

  • is their a play-buying service for audio tool?

    • and only 0,062 % of the listeners liked it. So its my less liked track by far ;)

    • If this wasnt from such historical meaning I would have deleted it long time ago. I hate it :D

    • the historical background again: "this is a relict from the early days. There were three tracks of that time in the start menu of the app were you could start from. This was the techno one. The others were from CGman and Infy if I remember right ... so not really a big thing to get this amount of listens."

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