First Beat: saturday

Second Beat: Arigato!

Crappy 808: Arigato!

I'm actually stoked that I got to work with saturday. Although they aren't very active on certain drafts, it was fun seeing what they are capable of and to learn new things.

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  • i didn’t finish

  • Number 6 today, in under two hours, while the rest of todays charted are +10 hours.

  • Because I'm slow, it took me a while to find out what @KXD! <3 meant by turning off the limiter. But after a little guess and check, I found out it was the shitty little switch on the master volume, and once I fiddled around with it for a little bit, I realized that I could turn my upcoming tracks into bangers with it. Shout out to @KXD! <3 for that side note.

    • yeah i get you lmao once i figured out where it was i was fucking pissed cause its stupidly tiny

    • @KXD! <3 I wanted to ask you, but I also wanted to be able to figure certain shit out myself lol.

    4 more
  • I know me commenting on my own shit is annoying, but the way @Vinnie made those snares, it's like a tiny orgasm for me. LOL.

  • 2 hours and already 6 away from the original. LOL.

  • Me likie!

  • Ohhh it's like stabilizing itself!

  • When your an Arigato fan!

  • Good job you two! :)

  • I didn't get too creative with the hats, tbh.

    • still going to sky rocket xD well done

  • it is still good

  • 0_______________0
