3rd one is crazyyyy

this is my first attempt at drill... i might become a trap kid! XD - @DtripleJ
I Umm credit to all or sum like that
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1 -
1 dammmm love this!!!! keep mixing raw skill!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 i forgot how hard these go man great mega battle
1 Who made #3 and #4?
0 AHHHHHHHH, Cant stop listen that one wtf
2 I like the start to the third one like it's implied it's a lot going on but pretty good potential wise 5th is probably me fav
3 Not too big a fan of the first part
Second part is ok
Like prod.kairo said third part is definitely too busy but it's better than two
Fourth is easily the best and kinda sounds like something Sleepy Hallow would use
1 Alright, who made 1:30 ?
2 i see yall have learned drill
0 can we do something tomorow
i have some ideas
1 nice
1 dope
1 lol
2 Cool battle !