Descriptions are hard...

Covers are hard...

I gotta look for a job now that school is over... (Still 16)

Remix is on bc how simple this is... i swear if someone does dumb shit with this song i'm not turning remix on anymore lmfao

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  • cover is good lol

  • Such happy songs!! I really love your stuff!!

  • Summer vacay today yayayayyyyY!!!!!!

    this is soo good btw summer vibes all the way! :D

  • I swear every time you post a track the melody always gets stuck in my head xD

  • how do you make such cool stuff with only 4 Heisenberg's and some reverb

    • obviously its cuz everything that has to do with summer vacation is cool stuff

    • The power of boredom

  • Ooh, maybe I'll make a remix out of this one... (I always say that and always end up forgetting lmao)

    Anyway, nice simple little tune ya got here! Also, felt that with the job searching thing... since I'm 17 now, I'm expected to have a driver's permit and a part time job (at least for the summer) by the end of vacation. I also gotta start looking further into college applications and scholarships and all that jazz... *SIGH*

    • I found a trade and a company to pay me to learn. That way I don't have to pay to get my education. I'm not a big fan of the idea of having student loan debt the rest of my life. I would suggest at least considering alternatives to college. ;)

    • haha it's a fun mess tbh

    • Me too man, you're not alone on that...

    1 more
  • you couldn't've posted at a better time

    • ikr i summer vacation started today for me

  • Happy holidays!