awesome song

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0 -
0 nice music man
0 Bella!
0 cool man
0 Wow, catchy :D
Reminds me of a song from a game, can't remember which game thou.
0 This is awesome. I love to travel and this is perfect travel music. It makes me want to go to a foreign country and just look around all day. Also for anyone that may care check out my new track.
0 daje! se mo dice cripta! ahahah grande come sempre ;)
0 questa e' figa bravo
0 Nice! Love the synths:)
0 wow! great m8 :D
0 Way cool!
0 cmq se riesci a farlo il remix sarebbe fico! :o
0 grazie ;)
0 ci starebbe un altro bel remix ahaha,cmq componi bene,hai delle belle idee,bravo!
0 ammazza super ganza! bello il pezzo di rasselbock intorno a 2.30 ,bella traccia cmq!