For all those people who have always been there, in the funny moments and the others... for all those who keep me going despite this world which is always falling apart more and more... to my childrens, Dorian, Mélie and to my sun, my Aurora that I love.

Batoune & the Brewers

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  • I love your composing but if you gave a little more love to your mix, especially in terms of dynamic range. There's some range in there but hardly. A lot of sounds are really nice but can't really be heard clearly. I turn up the volume but it doesn't really help. These sounds needs some FX to boost them and bring them out

    • Thanks for this message, if your can, i need some help to give to this one more dynamic range.

      Cn i invite you to work on this ?

  • some the best you have done!

  • nice and lovely, very cool track

  • this is really cool man! keep at it, you're only gonna get better

  • i like this its very nice

  • yes!

  • Very cool

  • blud is so good

    keep up the good work :)

  • Very cool:~)

  • Wow

  • 👌

  • i like the delay. this feels very cinematic