Do ever feel Rotten? you know the kind of rotten that makes you want to Put Plastic Wrap on your roomates toilet after feeding him/her Laxative. Or the Rotten feeling you get that makes it feel so good To rais your elbow up in a mosh pit right when you see a guys face comming around looking more and more like a target >:) or for you little brothers out there .. The kind of rotten you feel tha makes it funny when you pull the heads off all your sisters barbies, load them with Black cats, and hold them ransom from your sister making sure pop a few off so she gets the point .. I

well I feel that way some times and thats how i was feeling when i wrote this . the way i figure it it is better to express myself with music then literally.. i guess those who piss me off should be thank ful i have audio tool.

Okay so Track creation.

This is a treack i creatied using all of audio tools synths and things i only used ableton to make some pads that you cant really hear ..

Whats funny about this track is that i was stuck on this track for weeks. I knew i had something i liked but when i was feeling rotten enough to open it and listen to it. I would get nothing so i would close it . This happened a lot with this track and especially traks that where i start with the drop first and then try and create musicaaround it . but one day when i was feeling especially rotten i opened it and listned to it ( yesterday ) and heard a new rythem in my head i had not noticed before but had been ther already i just wasnt ready to hear it . an dbam Track done ... I am making this one available for remix and download so feel free to peer inside and see what madness i did with my speghetti strings . Enjoy oh and for the grammar police .. Um i cant spell arrest me but make sure to bring the furry cufffs

Edit: Broke the limiter

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