i was wondering if someone can give me some constructive criticism for this song. for a long time just been uploading little ideas but never really any full songs, and its bothered me, so i finally made a full song and i was wondering if you guys could give it a listen and tell me if there was anything i did right and what i did wrong so i can improve.

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  • i just realized how similar this is to one of my other tracks

  • The melody!!! :O :D

    I need to learn how to make that much gud melodies XD


  • I would add more BASS also add more effects to your synths. U dont have to add ones like chorus ore tube or anthing but add some stereo and reverb to the synths. It will really widen the sound out and make it sound more clean.I know it sounds tedious but try to eq every synth. Solo each one out and clean up there sounds so that way their arent any peaking frequencies. Also Id reccomend adding a quantum to the whole track to use as a limiter, then an eq to take away peaking frequencies from the-

    • Not really much I can say. The transitions were pretty smooth and the tracks structure, besides the lack of bass, was fine. :)

    • do you have any sound design tips like how i put the song together?

    • ye np m8

    3 more
  • It sounds farmiliar i dont know why

  • Hmm... Why does this sound familiar???