Inspiration comes from everywhere, but some things hold a more powerful influence over me. This song took endless amounts of inspiration from Baasik and Black Gryph0n's "Another End". The original song is about the endless possiblities you can have if you spend it with the right people and how whatever of the many paths you choose is the right one if you do it together. This one is almost a precursor to that notion, being about having to either earn the right to walk those paths or to fight your way to them, through good and bad times, and never leaving your dreams behind for a second.
Hi, i listened to Rise, and fiddled a bit with an attempt of a remix.
I felt that everything in the whole track was "too high up", tried to ground it slightly with a base beat, little saxophone chord, and full out on mid register. (if you are not satisified with my remix attempt I can delete it, if you want me to)
I'm gonna fix the first verse of the vocals, because that seems to be the part that puts people off the most, and see how that goes. Give me a few hours at the most.