ive been experimenting with multiband compressing lately in my tracks. what ive been doing is splitting off something, one end with lows amplified and the other highpassed like half way. the lower one is used for ducking to other tracks that may conflict with its frequencies. the highpassed channel is used for sidechaining to a kick or whatever. the low channel can also be sidechained to a kick but has a weaker compression to it.

hopefully ill be able to one day have really loud, middy and low sounds like this and not have to worry about it being to harsh or anything. :)

enjoy! im learning alot through this ringtone project! and its fun! :D

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  • crazy

  • (:

  • better than all my track

  • lol then send it to Samsung :D

  • ill add a D to the last note, might sound better. thanks for the critique! :)

  • download :)

  • btw dont worry, all those plays are mine :D

  • the last tone should be a little higher i think

  • ringtones should always end with the highest tone, or at least with the highest tone the 'leading" tone, i guess. everything else is amazing though

  • although i dont really like the notework

  • great...